I will see you again in 2015 with more Candy 'n Stuff!
onsdag 31 december 2014
Happy New Year
I want to thank all of my readers and wish you a Happy New Year!
I will see you again in 2015 with more Candy 'n Stuff!
I will see you again in 2015 with more Candy 'n Stuff!
torsdag 25 december 2014
Oreo Birthday Cake

Today is all about me, because it is my birthday.
Many people ask me if it is hard to have a birthday this close to Christmas.
But I do not mind. I like it.

I am not gonna ramble on to much today, I just do not have the time.
These are Oreo birthday cake flavoured cookies.
And they fit really good today do you not think so?
The packaging is pretty much standard Oreo but with a big birthday cake.
They are regular sandwich cookies.

They smell alot like cake frosting, as they should.
They are very sweet.
It is almost like eating nothing but frosting.
But hey, that is ok with me.
The sprinkles are neat and crunchy.
So, once again happy birthday to me!
And no, I did not try to win the tickets...

onsdag 24 december 2014
M&M Peppermint

Tonight is the night. Santa is finally coming.
Me and Mr Red M&M is ready for him.
We have trimmed the tree, hung the Holly and put out some milk and cookies.
I think Santa will feel right at home.
And I hope he brings many gifts to me, my family and friends.

Like last Christmas eve, I have some M&M's to write about.
This year they are peppermint flavoured.
And, peppermint are candy canes so, why not!
I enjoy the packaging very much.
It has an abundans of red and white.
And I love how Reds eyebrows are incoroprated in his Santa hat.

These are, like i wrote above, peppermint flavoured.
And are based on white chocolate.
The M&M's themseleves also follow the same Christmas colour scheme, red & white.
Let me tell you, the smell a lot of peppermint.
I love that peppermint smell (and not just at Christmas).
The white chocolate is lovely and the amount of peppermint flavour is perfect.
You can tell I liked these and they put me in a blissful Christmas spirit.
To all my readers, I would like to wish a...
Boas Festas!
Buon Natale!
Cestitamo Bozic!
Chuc Mung Giang Sinh!
Een Plesierige Kerfees!
Felices Fiestas!
Felices Pascuas!
Feliz Ano Novo!
Feliz Natal!
Feliz Navidad!
Frohe Weihnachten!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Gajan Kristnaskon!
Gesëende Kresfees!
Gezur Krislinjden!
Gladelig Jul!
Gledileg Jol!
God Jul!
Glædelig Jul!
Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun!
Hristos se rodi!
Hyvää Joulua!
I'd Miilad Said Oua Sana Saida!
Joyeux Noël!
Kala Christouyenna!
Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket!
Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan!
Linksmu Kaledu!
Mele Kalikimaka!
Merri kurisumasu!
Merry Christmas!
Mo'adim Lesimkha!
Nadolig Llawen!
Natale hilare!
Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun!
Priecigus Ziemassvetkus!
Sarbatori Vesele!
Pozdravljaju s prazdnikom Rozjdestva!
Selamat Hari Natal!
Shub Naya Baras!
Sreken Bozhik!
Sretan Bozic!
Srozhdestvom Kristovym!
Vesele vianoce!
Sung Tan Chuk Ha!
Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo!
Vrolijk kerstfeest!
Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia!
White Chocolate
söndag 21 december 2014
Apotekarnes Årsmust 2014 [Limited Edition]

Yes, they have started a new tradition.
Who are they, you ask?
Why the kind santas at Apotekarnes.
Here they are with a new special Christmas cordial.
What flavour is hidden in this years special?

The lable on the bottle looks the same as last year.
Except for the "2014", so nothing new here.
I would think that they at least could change the image on the lable or something.
I love that they have a real cork though.

The beverage smells like regular Christmas cordial.
At first i thought I tasted liqourice which was kind of weird.
Because I do not think cordial and liqourice go well together.
Up on checking the back of the bottle, I found out the secret flavour is orange.
And now that I know that it, of course, starts getting an after taste of orange.
Orange and cordial is a better mix.
And I really liked this one.
Your taste buds are a funny thing.
Limited Edition
torsdag 18 december 2014
Starbucks Honey & Almond Hot Chocolate

It is that time of year again.
To sample the Starbucks Christmas specials.
And like last year, I was very dissapointed to see they only had one new flavour.
And it was not even coffee based.
But still, hot chocolate is a must at winter.

There is a lot of chocolate in this beverage.
Hot chocolate with chocolate whipped cream and chocolate sauce plus honey.
There is also ground almond in the beverage.
It smells alot of chocolate.
It also taste alot of chocolate. Alot.
To much for my tastes and I do not think the almond fits at all.
It tastes pretty weird and not that good.

Hot Chocolate,
tisdag 16 december 2014

Let us face it, Santa is real.
And so are his reindeer.
I have the proof right here.
In the form of reindeer droppings.
Of course Santas reindeer droppings are candy.
Chocolate buttons to be precise.

The package is pretty cute.
The reindeer, which I think is Prancer, looks kind of embarrassed.
But he should not be.
He gives us nice candy.
The candy is dark chocolate buttons.
And they smell and taste like dark chocolate buttons.

fredag 12 december 2014
JuleSkum Pepparkaka 2014

Yes! They are back.
The marshmallow Santas from Cloetta.
Who bathe themselves in different flavours every year.
Bringing delight to children of all ages.
Over the years we have had different flavours.
Candy Cane, Winter Apple and Butterscotch.
This year, they are gingerbread flavoured.

The packaging is pretty close to last years packaging.
The same brown colour, but with a gingerbread pattern.
Santa is still looking at the same gift.
He loves that gift. I wonder what is in it.

Anyway, opening the package reveals a nice gingerbread smell.
A really nice smell that makes me think of freshly baked gingerbread.
The taste is somewhat tamer.
They do taste like gingerbread, but I think it could be a more rich taste.
All in all, these are the best of the JuleSkum flavours.
Thankfully I got a second bag.
tisdag 9 december 2014
Pop Rocks Candy Cane

Sometimes you need a little explosion in your life.
And you can choose to make your own dynamite.
Which will probably land you in a padded cell.
And nobody wants that during the holidays.
Or you can turn to Pop Rocks.
I am gonna choose the latter.

And lo and behold, I found a Christmas themed version.
These are candy cane flavoured Pop Rocks.
And these are just what I need to get that Christmas jolt.
The packaging is perfect. It manages to be Pop Rocks and Christmas at the same time.
With a lovely red background and a nice green font.
With some Christmas trees and holly.
This packaging screams Christmas.

They have a faint smell of peppermint.
A little to faint for my tastes. I wanted more.
The taste is also somewhat dissapointing.
Theres is a very faint taste of peppermint.
Other than that, they just taste sweet.
The popping/explosion is the good part.
It is really powerfull and my mouth feels like an excavated cave.
söndag 7 december 2014
Flipz Gingerbread

Today is the second of advent and I am starting to feel pretty holly.
This weekend we decorated the Christmas tree and had a few bowls of mulled wine.
It got me thinking. Why not try something different?
And then I found these Flipz hidding under the Christmas tree.

Flipz are pretzels in different sizes and flavours.
Pretzels should need no further introduction.
And these are, as you guessed, covered in gingerbread flavoured chocolate.
The packaging is pretty awesome.
A gingerbread colour as a base and lots of small and giant snow flakes.
And just look at that happy snowman eating his own clothes.

They smell pretty much of gingerbread, but also of chocolate.
They are pretty crunchy, as they should be, and that is very nice.
The flavour is pretty heavy and it is more of the dark/bitter gingerbread flavour than the sweet.
I am not really fond of that type of flavour, but they were still pretty ok.
fredag 5 december 2014
Saturnus 1893 Glögg Med Smak Av Delicatoboll

Yes, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
And you know what that means?
Time to sample some mulled wine (or Glögg as it is called in Sweden).
And this one is a weird one.
Like most things on this blog, now that I come to think about it.
Put nonetheless, it is Christmas and it is to be sampled.

Now, Delicatoboll is a very popular pastry in Sweden.
And I am quite fond of them.
But to put it as flavouring in mulled wine?
That seems a bit weird, even for my tastes.
The lable on the bottle is pretty much expected.
Since the Delicatoboll is packaged in similar colours.
It is very clean and neat and not very Christmasy.

It smells alot like Delicatoboll and that is, yes, weird.
Since it hardly smells like mulled wine at all.
And the taste, well, no. No, I do not like it.
It hardly tastes like mulled wine at all.
It has a supersweet taste and it is just to much.
Mulled Wine,
tisdag 2 december 2014
Gnaw Snowberry Drift

I am sitting here waiting for snow.
We usually do not get that much snow where I am.
But one can hope.
I want to get out there sledging in the slopes.
But I guess I am stuck here, eating some chocolate from Gnaw.

The lovely santas at Gnorfolk, have made us this Christmas chocolate bar.
This is a snow (white) chocolate bar filled with strawberry and honeycomb.
Gnaws packages are always minimalistic but always nice.
So is also the case in this instance.
A lovely red with a packaged A and a sledging squirrel?

The snow (chocolate) has a lovely smell of strawberrys.
Strawberrys are not really Christmasy to me, but they are red.
So I will let this one pass.
There is a thick strawberry flavour that melts well with the snow (white) chocolate.
And the honeycomb is sweet and crunchy.
All in all, a lovely Christmas treat.
White Chocolate
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