And now... Even more Pumpkin Spice.
Yes, at Halloween everything must be spiced with Pumpkin Spice.
And I am starting to get a bit afraid of the flavor.
I mean, pumpkins are evil right?

Anyway... Today Jell-O has gotten the Pumpkin Spice treatment.
And I am fine with that. I like Jell-Os puddings.
The packaging is pretty autumy.
Brown and orange colors everywhere.
And lots of leaves colored everything autum.
Which I am starting to like.
I really like leaves.

Making the pudding was easy peasy.
Even if the screams from the cemetary next door was a bit annoying.
Damn ghouls, always howling around Halloween.
After letting the pudding set for more than five minutes.
Hey, these spiderwebs are not gonna clean themselves.
And then chasing of some hungry bats.
It was time to eat.

As you can see, we enjoyed our pudding with some whipped cream (it really is a must).
Not to be short, but it kind of looks like , smell and taste like gingerbread.
And that is fine, since we are closing in on Christmas.
That is, if we survive the nightmare before christmas...