lördag 31 december 2011
fredag 30 december 2011
Christmas Cookie Crunch Smoothie

Got this at Naked Juice Bar.
It's a regular smoothie with crushed gingerbread and it's delicious!
It's like drinking liquid gingerbread :-)
I have no idea why the picture got tilted like that.
Picture is now fixed :)
Cookie Crunch,
Naked Juice Bar,
lördag 24 december 2011
Merry Christmas!
Skånemejerier Pepparkaksfil

I don't know if fil (processed sour milk) is very popular in the rest of the world, but in Sweden it is.
And Skånemejerier is by far the best dairy.
Each year at christmas, they bless us with this christmas themed version with gingerbread flavouring.
The box is awesome this year (as always).
The taste is like if you'd crushed gingerbread and sugar together.
You don't need to add anything else to it, like jam.
Very good.

fredag 23 december 2011
Oreos Candy Cane [Limited Edition]

A christmas version of the famous Oreo? Limited Edition? Rad!
Like in many christmas versions, the box is just awesome.
Theres so much christmas going on.
If you look at the cake itself, there's an imprint of a snowflake.
And the cream inside is red and white.
They really put some effort into making this as christmasy as possible.

Smells a lot lika minty candy cane. Like it should, of course.
They taste like you crushed a candy cane between two Oreo cakes.
In other wors, really good. It's nice and crispy too.

Candy Cane,
Limited Edition,
Ahlgrens Snötäckta Originalbilar

Ahlgrens Bilar (cars) are a very popular candy in Sweden.
This is their christmas edition for 2011 - Snötäckta Originalbilar (Snow covered cars).
They are dipped in chocolate and covered with white sprinkle.
It don't really know why they chose to dip them in chocolate, maybey the cars are dirty?
There's no special smell or taste for that matter.
I kind of prefer the original version.

torsdag 22 december 2011
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Red-Nosed Gummies

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Red-Nosed Gummies, another long name.
What is it with christmas and long product names?
The christmas special that the candy is based on is very popular in the states, but I have never seen it I'm afraid.
The candy is supposed to look like Rudolphs shiny nose.
There are two colors red and dark red (I suppose the darker one is when he's sleeping).
The red is strawberry flavour and the darker one is watermelon, artificially flavoured, of course :)
These are summer flavours if you ask me.
Nevermind, they are very chewy.
The strawberry one doesn't really taste anything, but the watermelon is better.
Still, not very christmasy.

PopTarts Gingerbread

First of all, this looks terrific.
Both the box and the tarts themself.
The gingerbreadman on the box art is skating on gingerbread!
And I also like the "To: From:" on the side of the box.
Makes it so more like christmas.

They smell very nice too.
A pleasant scent of gingerbread.
And they taste terrific (of course!)
With a toned down taste of gingerbread, and icing inside!
Very nice indeed.
Also, notice my cool toaster ;)
"I wish it could be christmas everyday"

tisdag 20 december 2011
Fazer Gingerbread Chocolate

The description for this chocolate says "Spicy milk chocolate with fruit, ginger snaps and almond".
I had high hopes for this one, it's big and it's supposed to be gingerbready.
But, it doesn't smell like gingerbread, just regular milk chocolate.
Like i said, it's big and each individual piece is enough for your mouth, but that's common with chocolate from Fazer i suppose.
I can't really taste the gingerbread.
There is a kind of a burnt flavour which bears a resemblance to gingerbread, but that's it.
I expected more.

Junior Mints - Inside Outs [Limited Edition]

Damn! These were awesome.
In their regular form these have a mint filling with an outer layer of dark chocolate.
But in this limited edition, they have been turned inside out.
Chocolate in the center and mint on the outside.
They have a very minty smell, pleasant.
And boy are they good, with a not-so-strong mint flavour.
These are like i said a limited (winter?) edition.
I was told they they are supposed to look like snowballs, but really, they don't.
Still really good.

Junior Mints,
Limited Edition,
söndag 18 december 2011
Princess Marshmallow Snow Men

Ohh, some marshmallow candy... And shaped like snow men non the less. That's so great!

We don't have that much marshallowy candy here in Sweden, so it's always fun to get a hold of some.
These smell and taste just like regular marshmallows, but they are not.
They are christmas marshmallows. Like a hundred times greater than regular marshmallows.
I like the word marshmallows. Reminds med of Ghostbusters.

Snow Men
Spongebob Squarepants Tree Shaped Gummy Krabby Patties Candy

Spongebob Squarepants Tree Shaped Gummy Krabby Patties Candy, try to write that 11 times without getting it wrong, haha.
I don't know if these comes in a regular version or they are just around for christmas, and I'm sure as hell not going to find out at this hour :)

The box is really nice, with a christmasy Spongebob and an oversized candy cane. And the candy is shaped like christmas trees. That's rad.
They smell and tastes just like that hamburger candy you bought as a kid.
But i guess that type of candy is for kids, because for me it was mostly... meh.

Nestlé Aero Christmas Tree

Aero chocolate shaped lika a christmas tree? Oh, the jolly!
And it's green inside, lika a christmas tree. Oh, the merry!
I've writen about Aero before: Nestlé Aero.
Basically it's a chocolate bar filled with bubbles of air.
This is the peppermint version and it's so christmasy!

It smells minty and refreshing.
Minty bubble chocolate is so good. Soooo gooood.
Oh, sorry, lost it there for a while.
Buy this candy, even if it's the regular bar!

torsdag 15 december 2011
JuleSkum Polka 2011

Ohh, i hate these types of foam candy. Everyone else seem to love them.
But i just don't like them. You chew forever, and in like 1 second the flavor is gone.
Trying to disguise them as christmasy things like santas and christmas trees doesn't help either.
But then i saw these, they are new for 2011, like you see in the name. Duh!
These have a Polka flavor (which is kind of like candy canes). And i knew I had to try them.
Surely these would rock my world?!

Nope, not at all... Sure the flavor is better, but it's still the same eternal chewing.
I still don't like these. And do they even look like santa? Ok, they do, kind of.

Magic Citronmeliss/Fläderblom Energy Drink

Magic was the first energy drink i ever tasted. It's a kind of Red Bull copy, but better. In the lasts few years i haven't really seen it around, so it was a surprise when i saw it again and in a new flavor!
Magic Citronmeliss/Fläderblom (Lemon balm/Elderflower in English) is, like i wrote earlier a new flavor for 2011. It has a very citrusy smell, but you can also notice a hint of elderflower.
A very pleasant smell actually. But what about the taste? It's good, like a Red Bull that tastes good.
Lots of Guarana flavor, with lemon and some elderflower. There is kind of a beer flavor, which is strange, because i don't like beer. I like this, but It's not my absolute favourite.
I must say that it doesn't really mix well with yoghurt. But that's another story.
onsdag 14 december 2011
Golden Oreo

Golden Oreos are like regular Oreos, but with a light cracker with vanilla flavor. These still has the regular vanilla filling, but I know there is one kind with chocolate filling out there.
They smell alot like Brago crackers (Brago is a cracker from Sweden Link to Wikipedia). And if it wasn't for the vanilla filling, I would, in a blind test, think they where Brago crackers. Because the taste is almost the same.

I like these, they taste great and i don't really like Brago crackers, so that's weird. I also tried to dip them in milk but that didn't do much for the flavor. Still, they're pretty good.
Also, they get a bonus for the pretty obvious "Enlarged to show detail" comment on the packaging (see picture). Made me chuckle.

tisdag 6 december 2011
Marabou Loop

This is new for 2011, from Swedish candy company Marabou.
And boy is this chocolate bar boring...
Standard toffee coated with milk chocolate.
The taste is boring, the toffee get stuck everywhere in your mouth.
The only "fun" thing is the design of the bar itself.
A loop, like the name, duh! but that doesn't save this fiasko.
I'm betting they won't be around for long.

Oreo Bluberry Ice Cream

These have been lying in my fridge for a while, time for a tasting.
Upon opening the package there is a distinct blueberry scent and also mint?
What was i getting myself into?
The taste is definently blueberryish, actually like blueberry ice cream.
Really tasty, made me crave ice cream :)
But there is also an minty after taste, i didn't like that. Not at all.
It was weird, blueberrys and mint, like oranges and tooth paste doesn't mix.
Still, they are really great, especially when dipped in milk! Dip them i milk!
Three blueberry ice cream oreos wasn't enough! I'll have to scour the internet for more.

söndag 4 december 2011
Dumle Gingerbread [Limited Edition]

För er som inte vet det, så betyder gingerbread, pepparkaka på svenska.
Har ingen aning varför man valt att blanda språken så.
Säkert någon på reklambyrån som ville skämta till det lite, haha :)
Nu var det avklarat i alla fall ;)
De luktar och ser ut som vanliga Dumle och jag skulle faktiskt först skriva att de smakar så med.
Men så var inte fallet märkte jag efter en stund.
Det är nämligen så att de smakar som vanliga Dumle, men efter ett tag när eftersmaken kommer så blir det direkt en helvändning mot pepparkakor.
Inte perfekta pepparkakor, men ändå pepparkakor.
Smaken är ganska konstig, men ändå angenäm.
Sammanfattat, kan man väl säga att de är ok men jag känner inte så att jag vill äta flera påsar av dem.
Stor bonus för den fina förpackningen!

Limited Edition,
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